dimanche 8 avril 2012

what do you see thru a door? a window??

 a little bird home
 somewhere in provence....
 ile de sein, fisheman door...
 love this entrance on ile de sein
 Le Chateau - oyster sheds in Oleron
 love the curtains on ile de re
 Les Halles de la Rochelle -entry
 ile d'oleron
 the lovely doors of Arles

 Enjoy your Easter break
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samedi 10 mars 2012

Grey and coffee story continued No2

 grey shutters
 grey table
                                                                                            grey wooden vase
and here is the coffee story; a restaurant/cantine/reception vintage aluminium coffee perculator - the first i had ever seen in metal not enamel AND with a tap attached
 shop counter coffee grinder
 and the second one cantine perculator i had ever seen, this one is particulry interesting, it probably comes from the french army cantine and....NOW sits on my kitchen bench with a vintage coffe grinder i use to gring my pepper for cooking and another vintage enamel white and red enmel coffee pot...
i am not sure what these two interesting decorative pieces were used for ? may be for duck pate to squize the blood out of the flesh???

these photos and comments were meant to be part of my posting "grey and coffee" but somehow, as I am still learning to navigate thru the maze of the blogging techniques, I lost myself nd ended up on a second pages or second blogs ?? I do apoogise and if anyone is happy to tell me how to navigate better into the "brouillard" i will only be happy to learn....
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